Get Involved
There are lots of ways to get involved in your community and with us. We would love to speak to you about what might suit you best.
If you would like more information or to speak with Mandi Holt, Community Investment & Engagement Lead, about the opportunities just complete the form below and we will get in touch. Read our Tenant Engagement Strategy here

Gloucester City Homes is managed by a Board of Directors who are responsible for setting the strategies of the organisation and overseeing the running of the company. There are two tenants on the Board, who alongside independent members, bring a wide range of skills and experience to the organisation, ensuring that GCH delivers its strategic objectives and places tenants at the heart of the organisation.
We have also introduced 3 new roles for customers to get involved in our Governance structure. There are two GCH customers who sit on our Customer Experience Committee and one on our Homes & Communities Committee.
Vacancies will be advertised on our website and social media but please get in touch if this is something you are interested in finding out more about.
The Customer Scrutiny Group is a team of GCH Customers who act as a critical friend to influence the direction and services of the organisation. They spend time looking at information and evidence to help make suggestions for improving services.
The Customer Scrutiny Group is independent but works with support from GCH colleagues to decide what to investigate, where to find the evidence they need, and to present their findings to the Board.
You might be attending meetings face to face or online, reading through policies and documents or even speaking to fellow customers about their experiences. You might have your own experiences to add to the research as well.
You could join the core group who meet quarterly to review satisfaction surveys and performance measures to decide what to look at next, or you might prefer to just join in on occasional exercises if and when they interest you.
If you decide to join in with the Customer Scrutiny Group at any level of commitment, we will keep you updated on planning and progress and any suggestions for improvement that are put before the board.
If there is a subject you are particularly interested in please get in touch.
We have a long history of supporting Tenant and Resident groups which meet to discuss local issues and identify ways to improve their local community. Dedicated and hard-working tenant and resident volunteers run the groups, which are open to everyone living in the area. Whatever your local group focuses on, it is a fantastic way for tenants to have a collective voice, arrange social events and build a great community spirit. There are currently tenants and residents groups in Matson & Robinswood, Tredworth, White City and Westgate.
We provide access to funding and support to set up and help sustain such groups so please get in touch if you would like to set up a new group or find out more about what is available in your area.
This is a casual way of being involved where you can decide how you help us and get involved, it might be that we contact you when we need help or information on a particular subject.
There are no regular meetings and you can decide how much time you have to contribute.
For example, you could be helping to appoint a new contractor, give us your feedback on GCH documents or take part in a Challenge & Change review or Focus Group about a specific issue.
Even if you only have a small amount of time to spare and would like to help us improve GCH services, please complete the form below or speak to us.
Each year we ring-fence a sum of money to support specific projects and events linked to supporting our tenants. The fund is aimed at supporting the work of
- Tenant and Resident groups,
- Local charities
- Voluntary and community groups
- Organisations who operate in our areas to develop projects and activities that deliver outcomes to benefit GCH tenants and the communities where they live.
Our priorities for investing in the community are;
- Developing Financial Inclusion
- Providing opportunities to access employment and develop relevant skills
- Supporting access to training and apprenticeships
- Promoting health and well-being
- Encouraging and supporting digital inclusion.
We are a community focused organisation and we use opportunities to engage with tenants and residents directly in their own neighbourhoods at least once a year. We host our own events and also support community organised events. These provide an opportunity for us to talk to our tenants about their priorities, issues that they want us to address and future aspirations. Feedback from these events is fed into the Neighbourhood Priorities and Community Investment Plans for each area.
We support a number of different events and you can see all events please click on this link.
Our Neighbourhood Managers and patch teams keep an eye open for issues arising on each patch but would welcome input from residents.
Please complete our Form – Report an Issue in Your Community to alert the team to an issue in your Neighbourhood.
Come and chat to the team at our events and let us know where you think there may be problems that we can help with.
We are always looking for new ways to work with tenants and our communities. So to get involved, get in touch with your ideas or suggestions.