Weekly Drop-ins in your community

Our Enchanced Support Coach, Elaine, runs drop ins each week to help our customers with;
- CV Building
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Interview skills
- Help with basic skills (IT, Maths and English)
- Digital & online skills (including setting up an email account,
- Homeseeker account and MyGCH account)
- Budgeting advice
- Support with accessing photographic identification
- Tenancy related enquiries
- Podsmead Regeneration enquiries
The drop ins run at;
Tuffley – Every Monday between 11am – 1.30pm at Tuffley Court Community Association on Seventh Avenue
Westgate – Every Tuesday between 12pm – 2pm at Fountain Square Community Hub
Podsmead – Every Thursday between 11am – 2pm at Poets Pantry (corner of Masefield Avenue under Halford House).
Please book an appointment if you can by contacting Elaine on 01452 833 188 or email Elaine.Meyer@gch.co.uk
If you are unable to access these times or locations please contact us and we will be happy to arrange an appointment to meet with you at a time and location that works for you.