Ventilation when we visit your home

Following scientific and professional medical advice we remind our customers that it is recommended to open a window or door to allow for ventilation if we need to visit your home for any reason.
Letting fresh air into indoor spaces can help remove air that contains virus particles and prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Therefore we ask that if you have our staff or contractors working in or visiting your home, you let as much fresh air into your home as possible without getting uncomfortably cold while they are there. It is best practise to ventilate the area for a short period both before they arrive and after they leave.
Good ventilation will not only help reduce transmission of the virus but will also help reduce condensation, damp and mould.
We understand that current energy prices may put you off opening windows and doors, if you need any support with bills and available support schemes please contact our Tenancy Sustainment Team.