Update on the Regeneration of Matson – November 2022

This week all residents of Matson will receive a newsletter providing an update on our ongoing investment plans. Including plans to invest over £4 million in improving the energy efficiency of existing homes in Matson, as part of an overall £12 million investment across Gloucester. This will result in all homes achieving an energy efficiency rating of at least band C and importantly will reduce heating costs.
In these challenging times our priority is our current tenants and improving our existing homes, whilst at the same time recognising the desperate need for new, good quality affordable homes in Gloucester. You may have seen the 3 new homes we completed earlier this year at Badminton Road on land that had previously attracted frequent fly- tipping and work has started to develop 10 new homes on the old
pub site, transforming the area next to Matson shops into new affordable housing. We also continue to pursue permission to regenerate the land around the Matson fishing lake into 9 new homes and transform the old lodge into a community venue.
We are already starting work on four of our blocks in Matson to improve their energy efficiency and over the next few years, we will be investing over £4 million in improving the energy efficiency of existing homes in Matson, as part of an overall £12 million investment across Gloucester. This will result in all homes achieving an energy efficiency rating of at least band C and importantly it will reduce heating costs.
Unfortunately, the combination of limited access to suitable land and the current economic situation, which has significantly increased our development costs and the interest costs for the finance we would need to borrow to build the new homes, means that we are not able to progress with our wider regeneration plans at this time.
We recognise Matson for the vibrant community that it is and remain committed to continuing to work with residents and community organisations, investing in your homes and community for the longer term. We share your passion for Matson and remain ambitious for future investment in the area to build new homes and improve community spaces.
We are not going anywhere and will continue to explore any future opportunities as they arise, continuing to work in partnership with community organisations including the Matson, Robinswood and White City Community Partnership and ward councillors.
Plans for Podsmead are still underway and will shortly be submitted for outline planning permission.
Read the whole newsletter here.