The new Housing Ombudsman Scheme was launched in December 2020. We have worked on our Policy and Procedures to ensure we are meeting the requirements of the Code and we have completed a self-assessment, which was published on our website.

Under this new scheme the Housing Ombudsman will be carrying out reviews into any themes that are becoming apparent in their investigations.
The Housing Ombudsman has made the decision to carry out a review into damp and mould issues as these are featuring a lot in their work.
To enable them to understand the views of both landlords and customers they have put together a few questions to gain some feedback.
As a landlord we are very keen to support this review and gain an understanding of how damp and mould is affecting our customers and we would really value your input. It is important to understand how these issues are impacting on you and whether they are being resolved appropriately. We would be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to complete a short questionnaire to tell them your views.
Complete the questionnaire here and your responses will go directly to the Housing Ombudsman.
The deadline for responses is the 4th June.
If you are a GCH customer and are facing damp and mould issues please contact us. Read our tips for avoiding condensation in your home here.