Site Map
- Accessibility
- Accreditations
- Alan Inman-Ward
- Andrew Pickervance
- Ann Cornelius
- Anne Southern
- Anti-Bribery Policy Statement
- Anti-Slavery Statement
- Apply for a Garage or Parking Space
- Apply for a Home
- ASB Case Review
- Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
- Categories
- Change Your Name Form
- Charlie Morefield
- Colleague and Culture Committee
- Community Impact Grants
- Compliments or Complaints
- Contact Us
- Cookie Policy
- Cost of Living Support
- Crime
- Crime
- Current Jobs Vacancies
- Customer annual report survey
- Customer Experience Committee
- Data Protection and Privacy
- David Johnson
- David Manser
- Dawn Barnes
- Dealing with pests
- Direct Debit Request Form
- Directory of Local Services
- Disclaimer
- Do it Online – GCH Services and Forms
- Domestic Abuse
- Drugs
- End a Deceased Tenancy
- End a Garage or Parking Space Agreement
- End your Tenancy Form
- Enhanced Support Coaches
- Events
- FAQs
- FAQs Layout
- Fire Safety
- Garden Competition
- GCH Board
- Get Involved
- Guy Stenson
- Home
- Home Contents Insurance
- Homeless Accommodation
- Homes and Communities Committee
- Housing for Over 55s
- How we are run
- Jesse Fajemisin
- Keeping Warm This Winter
- Leadership Group
- Leaseholders
- Lee Duty
- Lessons Learnt
- Lewis Johnson
- Lionah Kawonza
- Locations
- Maria Bond
- Marina Sendall
- Michael Hill
- Milla Mazilu
- Mutual Exchange
- My Bookings
- Natalie Thelwell
- Neighbourhood Plans Local Offers
- Nerva Homes Board
- New GCH Homes
- News
- Newsletters
- Nilesh Bhudia-Luke
- Noise
- Our Community Partners
- Our Statement of compliance
- Paul Haines
- Paul Roberts
- Paying Rent and MyGCH
- Performance
- Pet Permission Form
- Policies
- Privacy Downloads
- Rachel Evans
- Rebecca Andrews
- Register
- Rent Refund Form
- Report a Repair
- Report an Issue in your Community
- Report Anti-Social Behaviour or Hate Crime
- Report Domestic Abuse
- Report Tenancy Fraud Form
- Right to Buy applications
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Sarah O’Donnell
- Scrutiny Group
- Shared Ownership
- Site Map
- Strategic Plan
- Tackling damp and mould in your home
- Tags
- Tenancy Sustainment
- Tim Jackson
- Together with Tenants
- Tony Thomas
- Universal Credit
- Wanja Odhiambo
- Who we are
- Working for GCH
- Your Community
- Your Neighbourhood Patch Team
- Your Tenancy
- Am I allowed pets in my home?
- Are GCH notified when a tenant’s death is registered?
- Can I change my name on my tenancy?
- Can I install CCTV?
- Can I make improvements to my home?
- Can you help with arrears and budgeting?
- Do I need a TV licence?
- Do I need Home Insurance?
- Do I need permission to swap homes and are there any conditions?
- Do you provide furniture, carpets and curtains in your houses?
- Do you replace damaged windows and doors?
- How are rent and service charges set?
- How can I contact GCH?
- How can you adapt my home to support independent living?
- How do I contact Gloucester City Council?
- How do I end my tenancy?
- How do I make a suggestion, compliment or complaint?
- How do I prevent fire in my home?
- How do I reduce fire risk in a block?
- How do I stay safe in cold weather?
- How do I stop condensation, damp and mould?
- How do you maintain grass and landscaped areas around my home?
- How often do communal electrics get serviced?
- How often do you clean communal areas in flats?
- How should I check electrical safety?
- How should I deal with pests?
- How should I decorate my new home?
- Service charges and Section 20B notice
- What are Court Orders?
- What are Former Tenant Arrears?
- What are GCH’s General Service Standards?
- What are Home Safety Checks?
- What are planned repairs?
- What are recharge costs?
- What are the Different Types of Tenancy?
- What are the Rent Service Standards?
- What are the response times for repairs?
- What do I need to know about water safety?
- What do the Estate Services team do?
- What facilities are at Independent Living Schemes?
- What fire detection methods are there in my home?
- What happens if I lose my keys?
- What happens if I need emergency accommodation?
- What help is available with paying rent?
- What if a repair is not done on time?
- What is Anti-Social Behaviour and how do I report it?
- What is hate crime and how do I report it?
- What is Power of Attorney?
- What is the Decent Homes Standard?
- What is the Right To Buy and the Right to Acquire?
- What should I do if I smell gas in my home?
- What should I do if I suspect tenancy fraud?
- What should I do if I suspect there is Asbestos in my home?
- What should I do if my home has a burst pipe, flooding or no water?
- What should I do if there are problems with electricity in my home?
- What should I do if there is a fire in my home?
- What should I recycle?
- What tenancy support can you offer?
- When is a home overcrowded?
- When should I pay my rent?