Right to Buy applications with GCH
If you were a GCH tenant before 16th March 2015 you may have the Right to Buy and could be eligible to receive a discount up to the current maximum discount. If your tenancy started after 16th March 2015 you may have the Right to Acquire. Please note not all of our homes will be eligible.
If you are thinking of applying for your Right to Buy, you should get independent legal and financial advice about your individual circumstances, and to help with the legal process of buying a home. You may also want to get independent financial advice about the different types of mortgages that are available.
For more information, see our FAQ – What is the Right To Buy and the Right to Acquire?
How to apply
Step 1:
- If you want to make a new application, you will need to complete a Right To Buy form. You’ll also need to supply photo ID and proof of your current residency.
- We will also require all applicants to fill out the additional information form Additional information form. Anyone gifting funds for the purchase are also required to complete this form.
- You can send your application by post to: Gloucester City Homes, Railway House, Bruton Way, Gloucester GL1 1DG. Alternatively, you can email your application to Leaseholders@gch.co.uk.
By submitting your application all applicants are giving consent to a soft credit check and vetting. Failure to disclose information may result in refusal of your application.
Step 2:
Once your application has been assessed we will confirm if you have the Preserved Right to Buy. The RTB2 notice will be supplied 4- 8 weeks from submission.
We’ll arrange for the surveyor or valuer to contact you to arrange an appointment to value the property. Let us know if you need any adjustments that need to be taken into consideration for any visit to your home. Your property will be valued at the market value, based on the date of your application. Any discount will depend on how long you’ve had your tenancy for.
Step 3:
Once your valuation has been returned we will process your offer. You will receive this a further 8 – 12 weeks from receipt of your RTB2 notice.
You will then have 12 weeks to decide whether you wish to accept or withdraw your application. Make sure you have your financial evidence ready to provide alongside your acceptance.
Important information to consider
You’re advised to get independent legal advice, and read the information on the Right to Buy website.
Right to Buy: buying your council home: Applying – GOV.UK
Right to Buy: summary booklet
Your Right To Buy Your Home: A Guide
You must also make sure you have the funds needed to buy and maintain the property.
You should also consider any housing related benefits you may currently be in receipt of and understand the implications if you own your own home.
Whilst you have an active Right to Buy application with GCH, from the date we receive your Right to Buy application, you are entitled to emergency repairs only. This is due to the valuation of your home being assessed as at the date of your application being received.
We will not carry out any other repairs to your home whilst you are in the process of buying.
Examples of emergency repairs are:
- Total loss of electricity
- Loss of all heating and hot water (between 1st October and 1st May)
- Burst pipes
- Blockage of the only toilet in the property / blocked drains causing sewage to spill out (rechargeable if caused by family/friends etc)
- Broken windows affecting security (rechargeable unless crime number supplied)
- Inability to secure main entrance to property (rechargeable unless crime number supplied)
- Serious roof leaks
Gloucester City Homes will also remove you from any upcoming planned maintenance programmes, for example, new roofing, external doors and windows, rain water goods, kitchens, bathrooms etc and will stop any commenced planned maintenance works to the property.
If you are applying to purchase a Leasehold property we will continue to maintain and repair communal areas only.
Useful contacts
The government’s Right to Buy Agent service offers free and impartial advice on Right to Buy and, if you decide home ownership is the right choice for you, they can help you through the process of buying your home, including providing information on finding a mortgage, appointing a solicitor and arranging a survey.
Right to Buy advisers are available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm. You can phone or chat online with them on the number below:
- 0300 123 0913
- Right to Buy application form