Gloucester City Homes (GCH) is delighted to announce its reaccreditation to the British Standards Institute ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard following a virtual two-day inspection in March 2021.

Emma Ball, Business Improvement and Assurance Manager “The British Standards Inspection included a comprehensive review of the quality management systems we have in place for:
- Complaints and Customer Feedback
- Delivery of repairs services
- Control of customer rents accounts and arrears
- Ensuring effective planned investment in our homes
- Managing the Right to Buy process,
- Leasehold Management controls
- The estate management of our neighbourhoods
She added” I am delighted with the outcome as it shows the hard work and dedication of all staff in the delivery of our services to our customers”.
Asif Bhatti, Chair of GCH’s Board said “The ISO award ensures delivery of high-quality services to our customers. I am pleased that we have been re-accredited against the demanding standards once again.”
Ashley Green, Chief Executive said “Our customers can be assured that we have systems in place to manage their homes and tenancies effectively and fairly. Everyone at GCH has worked hard to meet the standard which is evident in the report which raised no areas of non-conformance”.
Ashley added “During the inspection, the assessor commended the approach to quality management and how evident it is embedded within the organisation. He was impressed by the significant controls in place around processes and the clear links between systems. The assessor commented that the staff were passionate about ensuring that processes were effective and delivered in line with our relevant policies and procedures”.