Gloucester City Homes (GCH) is delighted to announce that it has been reaccredited to the British Standards Institute ISO 9001:2015 standard for ensuring it has quality management systems in place linked to its risk-based approaches. The re-accreditation was made following a virtual two-day inspection in September 2020.

Ashley Green, Chief Executive said “The inspection report recognised that quality management processes in place focus on delivering effective services to customers and support the strategic direction of the organisation, with a strong relationship between corporate objectives and delivery outcomes.“
He added “The inspection our management systems is vital and this review included the management of strategic planning for our tenant services, managing our risks, managing customer feedback good or bad, overseeing new homes development, ensuring effective planned investment in our homes and managing our homeless services. I am delighted with the outcome as it shows the hard work and dedication of all staff in the delivery of our services to our customers”
Asif Bhatti, Chair of GCH’s Board said “The ISO award ensures delivery of high quality services to all GCH tenants so I am pleased that we have been re-accredited against the demanding standards once again.”
Emma Ball, Business Improvement and Assurance Manager added “Tenants can be assured that we have systems in place to manage their homes and tenancies effectively and fairly. Everyone at GCH has worked hard to meet the standard which is evident in the report which raised no areas of non-conformance. During the inspection, the Inspector was impressed by the significant controls in place around processes and the high levels of validation and analysis of data. She commented that the staff were enthusiastic, professional and dedicated to delivering excellent services to their customers.”