Important changes to DWP payments made to Post Office accounts

From the 1st September 2021 the DWP will no longer make payments to Post Office Accounts. The best way to receive your payments going forward will be direct into a bank account, this gives you much more control over your money. It is really important that those with a Post Office account create a bank account with a building society, bank or credit union by the end of August so that payments don’t get missed or become hard to reach.
Our friendly Tenancy Sustainment Team are here to help if you need assistance with setting up a suitable bank account.
If you do not act now and inform the DWP of your new bank details you will be moved to the Payment Exception Service which is a card or voucher based system however it is much more complicated than a standard bank account with rules such as 30 day collection limits, an £100 transaction limit and strict transaction ID requirements.
More information can be found here – Payment Exception Service – GOV.UK (