Housing for Over 55s
We have 7 independent living schemes based in Gloucester, which provide accommodation for people over 55, who wish to stay independent in their homes.
Each scheme has access to our team of Specialist Housing Managers and Independent Living Coaches who can assist with tenancy related matters and helping residents to stay independent and safe in their homes.
The properties are a mixture of one and two bed properties and many have onsite communal facilities for the community to use.

How to Apply
We are unable to take any direct applications for our independent living schemes as allocation is run through Homeseeker Plus, whose website you can visit using this link.
For more information about applying for our homes by following this link.
Independent Living Activities
Across our schemes the Independent Living Coaches assist in delivering a range of health and wellbeing based activities to combat social isolation. We also encourage residents across all schemes to arrange their own events within the communal areas.
Please note that some activities have a small charge to cover running costs.
Independent Living Services
Our Independent Living Team is made up from two roles – Specialist Housing Managers & Independent Living Coaches.
Independent Living Coaches ensure that we have strong and effective relationships in place with support services and agencies such as Adult Social Care to assist customers who need additional help to maintain their independence and sustain their tenancies.
Specialist Housing Managers provide a housing management service tailored to each site whilst ensuring the health and safety of communal areas.
The teams’ focus is maintaining independence at home wherever possible.
Health and safety is important and we also have a dedicated Compliance Officer.
The team can help residents with:
- Low level anti-social behaviour
- Rent arrears
- Budgeting
- Social isolation
- Alcohol dependency
- Mental health
- Managing your tenancy agreement
- Health & Wellbeing Plans
- Personal Evacuation Plans