GCH Supports the Safer Gloucestershire ASB Pledge

Gloucester City Homes is pleased to commit to the Safer Gloucestershire ASB Pledge.
The Anti-social behaviour pledge has been developed by Safer Gloucestershire, a County-wide community safety partnership, led by the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.
Guy Stenson, Chief Executive at GCH says “At GCH we are committed to creating thriving communities where everyone can feel safe, we are proud of the strong and effective partnerships already in place within the communities we work. We recognise how important it is to customers that we work together to minimise ASB, support victims and work together to reduce the causes of ASB at a community level, this can only be achieved by working together and making it easy for people to report concerns. We are pleased to join so many other local organisations in adopting the pledge developed by Safer Gloucester and the OPCC.”
The pledge promises that anti-social behaviour will be taken seriously, made easier to report and tackled in partnership – with victims no longer being passed ‘from pillar to post’ when it comes to ASB. The pledge is;
- As signatories of the Safer Gloucestershire Anti-Social Behaviour Pledge, we recognise a broad definition of anti-social behaviour which can affect the people of Gloucestershire in many different and sometimes profound ways.
- We will continue to work together to understand the impact of anti-social behaviour in the county and tackle issues as a priority when they arise, with a focus on early intervention and prevention. People in Gloucestershire have the right to feel safe, whether they live, work in, or are visiting the county, and victims will always be provided with appropriate support.
- We will make it easier to report anti-social behaviour, ensuring the process is clear and accessible to all. Where victims feel they have not received appropriate support, we will promote the use of Community Triggers to offer collaborative multi-agency solutions.
- Working in partnership, we will share information to maximise the impact we can have within communities, ensuring victims are at the heart of all we do.
If you are experiencing ASB please report it to us here, email us or call 01452 424344. However, if you are in immediate need of assistance, or if a crime is in progress, then phone 999.
To report to the police please phone 101 (non-emergency number) or visit this link. If you wish to report crime anonymously then you can report through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or click this link.