GCH support TPAS National Scrutiny Week

GCH support TPAS’s National Scrutiny Week 2021. The week, that runs from 27th September to 3rd October, aims to support tenants and landlords to connect, learn, and celebrate the impact of tenant led scrutiny.
According to TPAS, Tenant Scrutiny should involve tenants to:
- Improve service performance and standards users experience
- Reinforce responsibilities and hold their landlord accountable
- Focus on processes and systems and identify what is valued about services
- Actively monitor and assess service delivery to achieve value for money
At GCH, Tenant Panel provides strong links between GCH Board, staff and tenants. The group meet monthly and co-ordinates Challenge and Change reviews, consults with tenants at events, reviews complaints and challenges performance.
Sometimes referred to as Scrutiny reviews, Challenge and Change reviews are focused, time bound, working groups. They come together as and when required and are made up of 2 or 3 members of the Tenant Panel and individual tenants and residents who have expressed an interest or ‘passion’ in a particular service area or issue. We encourage a wide range of tenants to get involved.
Tenant Panel member Maggie Day says, “Scrutiny is really important to ensure that services are being run that work for the tenants and if we can make recommendations for improvements that is even better”
Over the past few months Tenant Panel have been working on:
- Monthly complaints monitoring
- Monthly performance monitoring
- Finalising the Challenge and Change Review on Repairs – Getting it right first time
- Understanding the impact of the Social Housing White Paper
- Commissioned a TPAS SMART Review
- Reviewed the Annual Satisfaction Results
- Appointed Two New Members
Meet our Tenant Panel Members here.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Tenant Panel or being involved in a Challenge & Change Review please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Tenant Panel Member Benefits Include:
- A £25 shopping voucher per Tenant Panel meeting
- Payment of expenses including travel, parking and care allowance
- FREE individual membership of TPAS
- A comprehensive induction and ongoing development opportunities linked to responsibilities
- Individual training budget of up to £250 per year linked to career or personal development
- A laptop/tablet to undertake duties
- The opportunity to achieve an accredited qualification
Due to current restrictions, we are currently meeting via Microsoft Teams, once face to face meetings are once again possible we will continue to encourage people to attend using Teams if it fits in with members circumstances eg. Transport issues, disability or time pressure.
Apply today…
Apply or ask a question below. Alternatively, email getinvolved@gch.co.uk or or call 01452 833183