GCH consults with Podsmead community

Last week Gloucester City Homes (GCH) hosted two community consultations in Podsmead to showcase the updated plans for the Regeneration of Podsmead.
Held on Wednesday 24th November and Saturday 27th November the consultations were attended by over 40 residents who could look around the display of the updated plans and ask questions, as well as give feedback on the plans and say what they liked or how they thought they could be improved.
We thank those who came out to give us their feedback, especially in the fierce weather conditions on Saturday which saw us having to move our consultation from Scott Avenue Green Space to The Ramblers. We apologise to residents who did not receive an invite or got theirs late, Royal Mail delays have caused this and we will not be using this method of posting future invites.
For those not able to attend it is not too late to have your say. We encourage you to watch our video update of the plans below or look at the plans on our Regeneration website. You will also be able to see the plans displayed in the community noticeboards on the proposed development sites from later this week and all Podsmead residents will receive a fully annotated newsletter of the plans in early December.
To give us feedback or get in touch:
Visit: www.shapethefutureglos.co.uk
Email: customer.experience@gch.co.uk
Call a member of the GCH team: 01452 424344
Join our Facebook group: ‘Help Shape the Future of Matson & Podsmead’