Qwell is an online wellbeing platform, available for Gloucestershire residents to access for free.

It is an online digital platform (not an app), independent of GCH, and there is no need for referral or to meet a threshold or criteria to get access.
It is there for you, as and when you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
It has everything from interesting self-help articles to read on hundreds of different topic areas, peer support where you can chat to others who feel the same and share your stories, 24 hour messaging to the counselling team and finally either drop in or scheduled counselling available from Monday to Friday 12 midday to 10pm and Saturday and Sunday from 6pm to 10pm.
All you need to do is register a username and password and select Gloucestershire Adults in the drop down menu together with the district/borough they live in.
You remain anonymous throughout your journey and choose what you look at and engage with, depending on what you need at the time. There are no limits, just access Qwell as and when you need to.
Here is a link to an animation video which shows you more https://vimeo.com/394910786/e6b8684fd2
Head over to www.qwell.io and take a look!