Cost of living payments
You may be entitled to up to 3 Cost of Living Payments of £301, £300 and £299 if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits on certain dates:
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Income Support
- Pension Credit
- Universal Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit
When you’ll be paid
If you’re entitled, you will get:
- £301 paid between 25 April 2023 and 17 May 2023 for most people on DWP benefits
- £301 paid between 2 and 9 May 2023 for most people on tax credits and no other low income benefits
- £300 paid during autumn 2023 for most people
- £299 paid during spring 2024 for most people
Disability Cost of Living Payment
You may be entitled to a Disability Cost of Living Payment of £150 if you get any of the following benefits on a certain date:
- Attendance Allowance
- Constant Attendance Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance for adults
- Disability Living Allowance for children
- Personal Independence Payment
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- War Pension Mobility Supplement
When you’ll be paid
Most people will be paid the £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment during summer 2023.
Pensioner Cost of Living Payment
If you’re entitled to a Winter Fuel Payment for winter 2023 to 2024, you will get an extra £150 or £300 paid with your normal payment from November 2023.
For more information and to find out if you are eligible, visit the DWP website: Cost of Living Payments 2023 to 2024 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)