Beth Pollard

View of Clapham Court, Kingsholm

Closure of Clapham Court

GCH has reluctantly made the difficult and sad decision to close and demolish its high-rise sheltered housing scheme, Clapham Court. This will happen gradually over the course of the next three years. We understand and recognise that our decision will have a devastating impact on our residents and that Clapham Court is their home with

Closure of Clapham Court Read More »

National Housing Federation logo

Housing Association’s statement on evictions and support for tenants

Along with housing associations across the UK we are committed to support residents affected by Coronavirus crisis and beyond by; keeping people secure at home, helping people to get the support they need and acting compassionately and quickly where people are struggling. If you are a tenant and you need support, please get in touch

Housing Association’s statement on evictions and support for tenants Read More »

EU Settlement Scheme image

Calling all EU/EEA and Swiss Tenants – Have you applied for the EU Settlement Scheme?

Why do I need to apply? Following Brexit, All EU, EEA (EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and Swiss Citizens who want to continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021 need to apply for a new immigration status through the EU Settlement Scheme. Our in-house Tenancy Sustainment Team is now registered with the

Calling all EU/EEA and Swiss Tenants – Have you applied for the EU Settlement Scheme? Read More »