Ashley Green, Chief Executive – Gloucester City Homes to retire on the 31st March 2022

Joint statement by Asif Bhatti, Chair and Ashley Green, Chief Executive – Gloucester City Homes
Asif Bhatti, Chair of Gloucester City Homes has today announced the retirement of Chief Executive, Ashley Green at the end of March 2022.
Asif paid tribute saying “Naturally, we are very sad to see Ashley leave us, he has been our CE since our inception in 2005, an exceptional leader and instrumental to our success, transforming our services and securing some significant achievements for both GCH and the City including:
- Completing a strategic options appraisal in 2003, with tenants and Gloucester City Council to secure Government approval for the future delivery of the Government’s Decent Homes Standard.
- Establishing Gloucester City Homes (GCH) as an independent Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) in 2005 to achieve that vision.
- Transitioning GCH from a poor zero star to two-star “good” service in 2007, securing the release of almost £40m Government funding in 2007 to invest in tenant’s homes.
- Delivery of the Gloucester Standard (exceeding the Government’s Decent Homes Standard) in 2012 and maintaining it ever since in all tenants’ homes.
- Achieving a three-star service excellence rating from the Audit Commission in 2010.
- Achieving an independent vote in 2014 with 89% of tenants (64% turnout) supporting a future stock transfer.
- Securing Government approval for the write-off of £53.2m, paving the way for stock transfer in 2014.
- Establishing GCH as an independent Housing Association in 2015, paving the way significant investment in customer services, tenants’ homes and the delivery of new affordable housing through partner funding of £100m
- Delivering over 300 new affordable homes to date to meet housing need with ambitious plans for an additional 400 new homes in and around the city by 2025.
- Working with the Board to secure the highest regulatory rating for Governance in 2016 and again in May 2020.
- Securing and maintaining several independent accreditations for our customers and the organisation, including 40th position in the Sunday Times Top 100 in 2020 and re-accreditation of BSI ISO 9001 in August 2021.
- Working with the Board, to create a 10-year strategic plan to 2030 including a vision that will start to regenerate our two largest estates.
Asif said “We wish Ashley all the very best for his future retirement. He has left a great legacy and paved the way for an exciting future that focuses on customer centric services, long term investment in our current homes and the delivery of more affordable housing. Our search for a new Chief Executive to take over from Ashley in the new year has begun.”
Ashley thanked Asif and said “This has been one of the most difficult decisions as I am so passionate about GCH, our customers and the people I work with. My decision has not been taken lightly and is with a heavy heart. I have worked continuously since the age of 16, joining Gloucester City Council in 1977.
I was born in Gloucester and it has always been my ambition to do the very best for this great City. Sadly, it has all seemed to rush by in the blink of an eye.
My commitment and drive have always been to provide excellent services and strong investment into our customers’ homes and listening to their views so we can always improve. I am so proud that we have started to build more new affordable homes in the City and that was always my ambition.”
I work with fantastic people and great teams here at GCH who I will greatly miss and will be forever grateful for their dedication and support. I am certain that they will continue to be magnificent, doing their very best for our customers going forward. It is a pleasure to know that we are regarded as a Housing Association with a great reputation for delivery.”
He added, “It is now time to re-charge the batteries and to take a different path in my life and career whilst pursuing my interests and hobbies. I wish this fantastic organisation and everyone the very best in the future.”