Are You Entitled to These Benefits?

Many household expenses are increasing and the cost of running our homes is becoming more and more difficult. Here is some information about the support we can offer tenants and additional benefits that you may be entitled to.
Our Tenancy Sustainment Team are on hand to advise you about budgeting and maximising your income, get in touch today.
The following schemes have been introduced to help with the cost of living rise;
Energy Bills Support Scheme
How Much? £400 per household
Who is Eligible? Households with a domestic electricity meter (all households).
When & How? Via energy suppliers over 6 months from October 2022. Direct debit and credit customers money credited to their account. Pre-payment meter customers- money applied to their meter or paid via a voucher.
Pensioner Cost of Living Payment
How Much? £300 per household
Who is eligible? Must be over State Pension age (aged 66 or above) between 19 –25/9/2022 and be receiving the Winter Fuel Payment.
When & How? Automatically as a top-up to their annual Winter Fuel Payment in November/ December 2022. For most pensioner households, this will be paid by direct debit.
Cost of Living Payment
How much? £650 per household (paid in 2 instalments of £325)
Who is eligible? Households on certain means tested benefits as at 25/5/2022 for the first instalment, (another entitlement date for the second instalment will be announced)- Universal Credit or 5 Legacy Benefits(JSA(IB), ESA(IR)/ IS/ WTC/ CTC) or Pension Credit
When & How? Automatically paid by the DWP in 2 instalments, the first in July 2022 and the second in Autumn 2022. HMRC will pay a little after this to avoid duplicate payments.
Disability Cost of Living Payment
How Much? £150 per claimant
Who is eligible? Claimants on DLA/ PIP/ AA/ Scottish Disability Benefits/ Armed Forces Independence Payment/ Constant Attendance Allowance/ War Pension Mobility Supplement at 25/5/2022
When & how? Automatically in September 2022.
Council Tax Rebate
How much? £150 per household
Who is eligible? For households in England in Council Tax bands A-D. (most households)
When & how? Those who pay Council Tax by direct debit will be paid automatically into their bank accounts from April 2022. Those who do not pay by direct debit will be contacted by their council and invited to make a claim.
Household Support Fund payments
How much? Variable amounts
Who is eligible? Discretionary
When & how? An extra £500 million of local support, via the Household Support Fund, will be extended from this October to March 2023. Contact Local Authority for details and how to apply.
For any help you need addressing financial problems that you may be experiencing contact our Tenancy Sustainment Team by calling 01452 833217 or email